
Home Garden Irrigation

Home garden irrigation systems are the unsung heroes of any thriving home landscape. They provide the consistent, precise watering that plants need to grow strong and healthy, taking the guesswork out of gardening and freeing up your time. Whether you have a lawn, a vegetable patch, or a collection of potted plants, an irrigation system can be designed to meet your specific needs.

Benefits :

Consistent watering:

The use of irrigation systems guarantees a consistent flow of water, preventing plants from experiencing lack of moisture.

Water efficiency:

Irrigation systems play a vital role in reducing water wastage and saving water by delivering it precisely where it is required.


Systems offer a flexible solution as they can be customised to accommodate gardens of any size, making them a versatile tool for any gardener.


Many systems can be programmed or controlled remotely, making garden care even more convenient.

Professional Pump Services & Irrigation has provided water-saving solutions to residents and businesses in North Queensland for over 20 years.

Our qualified irrigation professionals can assist with the planning and design of DIY irrigation system layouts or recommend qualified installers.

Other Home & Garden Services

Servicing & Parts

In house and on-site servicing available. We stock a large range of trusted brands that will ensure your system is running at full capacity.